
Upcoming Offerings

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Past Offerings

Hearth & Fire

Light a candle, brew a cup of tea, and join Danusha Laméris and James Crews for a Hearth & Fire reading. Our special guests include Jane Hirshfield, Michael Kleber-Diggs, and Kim Rosen. We invite you to gather with us for poetry and conversation filled with warmth and heart.

This free reading was previously hosted on Friday, December 10, 2021. 

Watch the Recording

What past participants say...

“This has been maybe one of the best experiences around my writing and my soul and my life that I have experienced. What a gift.”

“My poetry friends and I call this time with you “Poetry Church” - Thank you both!”


“The way in which these sessions are conducted and the guest speakers, both are affecting my writing in ways I had not anticipated, but needed so much. Thank you.” 


“If you only knew how much the time we spend together here means to me as a poet. I am made better after each session.  I have learned so much from you both.  With thanks and admiration to you.”


“Not to sound over-dramatic, but Poetry of Resilience has changed my life in quiet and remarkable ways.”


“Thank you thank you thank you.... Fridays are such a source of surprise & delight for me. The visitors & your conversations are the tethers that hold me these days.”